Archive for March 2013

Street Drinker Now Planning For University

March 15, 2013

A woman I’ve known for a few years on the street as a drinker came in for food today. She was looking and sounding a lot better than when I last saw her. She was singing the praises of the local Women’s Centre for helping her get her life back together again.   women's support group

She’s currently attending college and plans to go to University in the local area.

Another woman came in later and asked about clubs for her children to attend, so I pointed her to a local Baptist church near where she lives.


Healing and Evangelism Were Both In Action Today

March 8, 2013

man holding painful elbow  A guy came in for food and was holding his elbow. I asked if he was suffering pain and he said he was. I offered to pray for the pain and he agreed. As I laid hands on him I shared a testimony of another man I’d met who received healing from pain. After  a minute I asked him how the pain was. He said it was now less painful. I volunteered to carry on, so laid hands on the elbow again and shared about Jesus, why he came and what he did for us.

After another minute I said: “how’s it feeling now?” He replied: “it feels really good – you’re a healer”!  I said “no, it’s not me, Jesus is the one who heals”.

After he left an older guy came in who had been in last Friday. We chatted about things and he shared how he was feeling empty inside. He’d had some church upbringing as a child but had drifted over the years. He aso went on to tell me he’d gone into a local church and chatted to a priest. I then shared some of my testimony and talked about Jesus and what he had done for us. Before he left, I gave him my website card, a copy of Luke’s Gospel and the booklet “Journey Into Life”.