Archive for the ‘Christian Healing Forum’ category

Please Send Me Healing Training Course CDs!

February 28, 2013

Had an e-mail request via one of my websites for the 4 CDs containing the Elijah Challenge healing training course. The great thing about this course is that it explains that ANY born-again Christian can heal others. At the end of the training you also see other believers stepping forward to do the practical and lay hands on others, on the course they’ve just done.

For 20+years as a Christian I believed that to heal others you needed a “healing gift”. Since none had dropped out of  the sky into my lap, I realised that I didn’t have such a gift. Only through doing the Elijah Challenge training course online did I realise that ALL true disciples of Jesus could heal. This page sets out a brief summary of the rationale for this:   elijah challenge image

Since the course is non-copyright, I used the free program CDBurnerXP to create the data discs and told the recipient that he could freely copy the training course to give out to others, as that’s what he said he planned to do. The Elijah Challenge website is here:  As their website says, “The time of the superstar “one-man-show” evangelist is fading and the time of the nameless disciple is at hand”.

It’s great to be able to encourage others who are trying to emulate Jesus and the disciples, and wanting others to do the same!

This British website has lots of helpful resources on healing:

Another really good resources for hints and tips and testimonies of healing is: