Archive for November 2014

Arthritis Bows The Knee To Jesus

November 15, 2014

Out on the streets today I met a young man in his late 20’s who said he had arthritis and pain in his right knee. I told him we were offering prayer for healing and that I had seen lots of knees healed, so that was no problem.    knee pain

He sat down and we laid hands on his knee and commanded the pain to go and for the arthritis to leave his body. After a minute I could see a look on his face, so asked him “what’s going on?” He said he had a strange feeling in his knee that he couldn’t really describe, but something like a numbness.  He also reported that his level of pain had dropped from a 2 to 0.5.  He agreed that as “the mountain had started to move” we should get it to move further. After a further hands on session he reported all pain had gone. God is good.


Scoliosis and back pain healed by Jesus

November 6, 2014

man with back pain   A man came in for food today and had problems sitting due to pain. He said his back hurt, so I prayed for his back and commanded healing in Jesus name. He experienced an improvment so I did it again. This time he reported no pain at all. He then informed me that he suffered from Scoliosis which meant he had a kink in his spine, “like a question mark” he said. He had suffered this from age 3. He was now 23.

I offered healing for the spine problem, so laid hands on him and commanded healing. After a short while I asked how it was. He said it felt there was something going on in his back, like a numbness and a tingling. I asked him to check it out. He felt his spine and told me that it was now straight, and that the “question mark” had gone. He moved around, touched his toes and again confirmed no pain.

This is the video I took, with his agreement, after the event:

The last two times I have seen Jesus heal, have followed on from days when I watched online healing videso to encourage myself before going out. Both times I watched videos on Youtube where Tom Loud was talking on healing/demonstrating it.