Archive for June 2015

Woman With Drink Problem Accepted a Hug

June 29, 2015

image of a womanLast week a woman came in for food. She was clearly upset and was trying to keep tears at bay. In conversation she revealed she had a drink problem and was about to be ostracised by her mother in a week’s time because of her addiction. Her young son had been taken from her, but she was upset each time she heard him in the school playground near her home. As she left I said: “when you come back on Monday there will be a lady who will be happy to chat with you.” I then went out with her to her pick up point outside, where her mother was waiting in her car. As we got there I said: “Do you believe in God?” She said “Yes, I do.” I replied: “Well, at least He’ll never reject you and cut you off”. I then said: “Would you like a hug?” She replied: “Yes please!” I hugged her, then she got into her mother’s car and they drove off.