Archive for the ‘Tina’ category

Dangers of Tarot Cards and Spiritualism

December 21, 2018

alternative spirituality imageIf true, what could be more heart-warming and comforting than hearing from your dead relatives?

This is the attraction of Spiritualism.

If true, who wouldn’t want life guidance and help from the “other world”?

This is the danger of both Spiritualism and Tarot Cards – so be warned, for the reason stated below, amplified by real life stories this post links to.

The Bible warns: “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (Book of 2 Corinthians Chapter 11 and verse 14)  tarot card reader illuminated sign

Laura was introduced to Spiritualism by her mother and it became a nightmare

Tina became expert with Tarot Cards and dark spirits oppressed her:

The Bible warns us, for our own good, against going astray by means of spiritualism, channeling, false spirits and the like:  because we will be corrupted and defiled by them. The good news, however, is that God is always willing to forgive when we humbly turn to him and ask Him to.

If you are involved in these activities, we invite you to contact our website and ask for advice: