Archive for the ‘Paratrooper’ category

Prayed For Ex-Paratrooper Suffering Pain

June 18, 2012

While doing some evangelism work at a local County Show, I got into conversation with an ex-paratrooper who had served in the Falklands during the Argentine invasion. He was suffering pain in his hip, leg and foot. I offered to pray for healing and his partner encouraged him to accept my offer. It turned out she was a Spiritualist. I asked her if she had any problem with me praying in the name of Jesus and she said: “no problem”.  British paratroopers in the Falklands

I laid hands on him and afterwards he said: “as soon as you put your hands on me the pain started to go. Now it’s completely gone and I can even wiggle my toes!”. He added: “I don’t believe in any of this, but I know it’s just happened!” I suggested he say “thank you Jesus” and he did. I also invited him to write down at home, and offer up to Jesus, things he wanted forgiven, as his conscience was troubling him about some of the things he had done in the South Atlantic. He also took away a copy of Mark’s Gospel with Norman Warren’s “Journey Into Life” included at the beginning.