Archive for the ‘Treasure Chest’ category

How Do You Become A Christian?

October 26, 2012

Chatted with a guy who came in for food. He described himself as a Christian, but didn’t go to church. I shared some of my story, and how I ended back in church after becoming “born again”. He had heard the term, but wasn’t sure what it meant. I gave him an explanation of why Jesus died and what it means for us. I told him that there is a large treasure chest on a shelf in Heaven with his name on it, gathering dust. Jesus had paid the price for his sins, but he had to receive it for himself. image of a treasure chest

I offered him a £1 coin and got him to take it, as an illustration of how we need to grab hold of what Jesus did for ourselves. He seemed to understand that was how the “born again” process worked. I gave him a copy of  the booklet “Journey Into Life” plus a copy of my card with my website and e-mail contact details and invited him to contact me any time.

Afterwards a guy from Estonia came in for food just before we closed. He thought there was “something up there”, but not sure what it was. I checked out the word for goodbye in Estonian on my Google Translate app and said it to him as he left.