Archive for the ‘Demons’ category

Is There Anything Wrong With Tarot Card Reading?

August 19, 2016

tarot card reader illuminated sign    I got an e-mail today from a professional Tarot Card reader who took exception to a personal article from a friend I published on this web page

He said:” I am a  professional Tarot Reader and Life guide , and I do not  recognise any of the problems that you seem to indicate that go with the trade and the art ? – please could you refrain from non-informed talk about other people’s beliefs. That is why there is so much trouble in the world. There is room for all beliefs. Peace”.

As requests go, it was indeed very courteous. I shall reply accordingly. There is indeed room for all beliefs. Having beliefs in your heart harms no-one, except possibly yourself, but that is of your own free will choice. But if, in practicing my beliefs, I influence others it may for good or ill. If the latter, I will have to account for practising deception upon others when I face God at the Judgment.

So, is there anything wrong with Tarot Card reading? According to Wikipedia, “divinatory meanings” have been associated with Tarot cards since 1783″. So what is divination? It is defined on Google as: “the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means”. Supernatural means may arise from kindly or evil forces. How can we know the origin of these forces?

From the Christian perspective, the Bible holds the key to what God approves or disapproves of: “When you enter the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not learn to imitate the holy bibledetestable things of those nations.  There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who casts a spell, or a medium or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead” (Bible, Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 18 verses 9 to 11).

Using divination puts one in the realm of deceptive spirits.  The Apostle Paul predicted: “But the (Holy) Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons ” (The Bible, Book of I Timothy 4: 1).

So if God does not approve of divination we must conclude it is harmful to man, since God seeks to encourage purity and righteousness in our lives.

The Bible, Psalm 24 verse 3 says:

“Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.”

If the God of the Bible forbids divination by those he has made then we risk the wrath of God if we indulge in such a practice. The ultimate outworking of God’s wrath is exclusion from his presence and a resultant banishment to hell, where Satan and his followers end up in eternal torment and suffering. If you disobey God’s warnings you cannot expect him to welcome you into Heaven, where he lives.

“Why Should I Become a Christian?”

June 17, 2016

After the man had received some practical help from us, I said with a smile:”don’t forget to thank God in your prayers tonight!”

He responded in a positive way so we chatted further about God and Jesus. He actually raised the question of repentance and we discussed what repentance and faith in God meant.

I gave him a booklet called “What Is  a Real Christian?” and he read a couple of pages. He then said:”the question should be “WHY should I become a Christian?”

I gave him God’s view of sin: all sin – even theft of something from a friend – is primarily a sin against God. So God is the one you need to repent towards. Without repentance (a turning away from all known sin in your life) you will have to give an account of your sin on Judgment Day – and Jesus is the Judge. Becoming a Christian wipes the slate clean because your trust in Jesus and his ability to forgive your sin makes you a new person, hence “born again”. He had heard of “born again Christian” so I explained why we need to become born again, using the illustration of the TWO BUSES.

bus going to hell   In this illustration all of life happens on the two buses. Bus #1 is the one we are all born on. Its destination is Hell and Satan or the Devil is the driver. The Bible tells us Hell was made for the Devil and his angels (actually demons). However, if we remain on Bus#1 we are headed for Satan’s destination, whether we realise it or not. We therefore need to get off Bus #1 and on to Bus #2. Bus#2 is driven by Jesus and His destination is Heaven. All mankind is under the power of sin and only Jesus can change our sin nature. This process is known as being “born again”. When we are born again (recognise our need of the Saviour Jesus as the only one who can forgive our sin and set us free from it) we are transferred onto Bus #2 whose destination is Heaven.

He took the booklet away and said he’d read it.




The Madness of Demonic Thinking

December 18, 2015

angry man   While chatting to a young guy who came in with a friend, he happened to mention he was angry. I asked him what he was angry about. He said:”nothing in particular, I’m just angry” I asked if he had a bad upbringing or been abused. He said: “no, none of that”.

As we chatted further he told me his grandmother was a witch, and that he was planning to go into a graveyard and play there with an Ouija board. I told him that was a dangerous business. If he did that his anger would get far, far worse!   dancing with the devil book

He ended up telling me that God was a “f*****g madman” and that the Devil was the good man. He rejected the Bible entirely and told me that the last place he wanted to go to was Heaven. He refused to listen to my warnings that he was being fed a load of lies by demonic spirits, and that when he died he would find out he had been totally deceived in his thinking. God, open his eyes before it’s too late!