Archive for the ‘Arthritis’ category

Arthritis Bows The Knee To Jesus

November 15, 2014

Out on the streets today I met a young man in his late 20’s who said he had arthritis and pain in his right knee. I told him we were offering prayer for healing and that I had seen lots of knees healed, so that was no problem.    knee pain

He sat down and we laid hands on his knee and commanded the pain to go and for the arthritis to leave his body. After a minute I could see a look on his face, so asked him “what’s going on?” He said he had a strange feeling in his knee that he couldn’t really describe, but something like a numbness.  He also reported that his level of pain had dropped from a 2 to 0.5.  He agreed that as “the mountain had started to move” we should get it to move further. After a further hands on session he reported all pain had gone. God is good.


Desperate Alcoholic Receives Prayer and Liver Pain Disappears Immediately

September 27, 2013

image of handgun  He told me he’d just served five and a half years in prison for carrying a gun in his car, taking it for a friend to use (keep in mind that this is England, UK). Back outside, he now was sliding down the slope of alcoholism, waking each morning with the shakes and needing to drink. He opened his rucksack and showed me the chemical rot gut he was drinking “that has never seen an apple in its life”. He also showed me the scars on both his wrists where he’d tried to do himself in.

I told him straight that only God could sort out his life. I then shared some of my testimony. I gave him a few gospel illustrations and then asked if he’d like me to pray for him. He said he would, so I called over a colleague and we both prayed that God would set him free and that God’s kingdom would be made known in his life. We didn’t pray for healing, nor did he say he had any pain. But as soon as we finished praying he told us straight away that the pain in his liver had  completely gone. I told him that was the reality of a loving God who cared for him. As he left, I advised him to read the gospel tract I gave him and to pray the prayer at the end, if he wanted a new life. On a practical level, I put him in touch with the Army welfare system, as he was an ex-soldier.

Ten minutes later we had a new guy and his partner in for food. The man had terminal cancer and was in constant pain. I shared that we’d just seen the alcoholic guy’s liver pain get taken away. The new guy said: “I don’t believe in God” I said: “that’s OK – we do!”  He then let us pray for him, which we did several times, on different parts of his body. He felt some reduction in pain, but not a huge amount. We asked his partner if she had any pains. She said she had some in her neck, which was probably stress. We offered prayer and she agreed, so we laid hands on her. She too felt an improvement. They then left with their food.

While we were laying hands on the woman I said to a third guy, newly arrived, “you’re next!” He laughed and said something I didn’t catch. We finally moved on to the third guy, who explained he was an atheist and believed in evolution and science. atheists handing out tracts door-to-door

We then had a long chat about these things while his food parcel was being prepared. We also talked about the conscience (con=with and science=knowledge) and how we have this inbuilt guidance system. I gave him my website card and offered to send him a link to a Ray Comfort video where Ray challenges US scientists on evolution. As he got up to leave, the client had a hard job getting on his feet. I asked what’s up and he said “it’s arthritis”. I said: “come back next week for a further chat and we’ll pray for you”.