Archive for the ‘Reiki’ category

Out And About With Jesus

December 14, 2013

Yesterday a woman I recognised came in for food. She used to be a street drinker with a big alcohol problem. I previously nicknamed her “Las Vegas” as that’s where she’s from. image of las vegas lights at night

In the last year she’s really lifted herself up from the depths and now attends college, doing a couple of A level courses, with a view to a degree eventually in some kind of animal husbandry. She was pretty tired and in pain so I offered to pray. She accepted, so I called over a lady on our team. We prayed for  a couple of minutes, until her little girl came over and interrupted. “Las Vegas” said : “I was really peaceful when you guys prayed – thanks a lot.”

Today I was out in town with our Healing On The Streets team and had several conversations with passers-by.  I met two Spiritualists: one was a woman who said she was a Spiritualist healer. I acknowledged that she had good motives in her heart, but gently explained to her that the Bible forbids spiritism and contact with the dead . Her reply was that men wrote the Bible, not God. I asked her “who is Jesus?”  She wouldn’t accept that he was God made flesh, so that was as far as we got.

warning about spiritualism   The next Spiritualist was a Reiki healer, Level 3, which he said was the highest you can get. I told him of a woman who came to see me who had received Reiki healing from some guy. After one Reiki session she started hearing voices that said they were her dead mother and father. Sadly, the voices eventually turned nasty, in a way unlike her real parents so she was troubled and confused. From what I read Reiki definitely has Eastern Buddhist occult origins and should be steered clear of, even so-called “Christian Reiki” which is a contradiction in terms.